Art Classes
We want to offer an exciting lineup of classes just for you. Please let us know what you want to learn!

Workshops will meet at Bellefonte Arts or on Zoom from 6:30 - 8 pm on:
Jan 6, 13, 20, 27
Feb 3, 10, 17, 24
Materials Needed: portfolio, writing implements, computer and Internet access.
These workshops do not have a registration fee, but we do require participants to pre-register through our google form:
A POET'S WORKSHOP (an exploration of ourselves using a variety of poetry forms and styles) These workshops are designed to encourage poets to improve their craft by working collaboratively with other poets who are moving towards similar goals. We will become a community of writers who: ● share, critique, question, and support each other’s poetry, ● explore what makes a poem work or what prevents it from working, and ● engage in the writing process, from the idea to the finished piece. It will be a messy, exciting, and edifying experience. Through these workshops, we will learn to review and assess not only the work of the collective, but also our own, with a critical and objective eye. Our workshops will be theme-driven and will include explorations of ourselves, our personal histories, and our life experiences. We will also examine poetic forms, genres, and methods to use as references or guides in refining and revising our work. Writing Coach & Mentor: Alice N. T. Reid
If you have a small group of 3-4 friends that want to learn to knit, crochet or one of our other offered classes, please fill out this Google Form.
Classes are held at Bellefonte Arts outside of shop hours.
Upcoming Classes:
Date TBD: Tie Dye T-Shirt (Holly’s Tie Dye)